Journal Entry - We don't have it all figured out

I fall down like a  rock slide,
the barrier of myself locking me in a slippery pit and I can't get a hold.

It's like one step forward and right back to where I began again
unravelling and disintegrating.
 when will i reach the true me? the better me?

In the end was it all for nought? did I really know anything? did I even make it?
maybe we all don't have it figured out but it's hard to tell and
 in uncertainty, it breaks me down.

Perhaps it would have been less of painful thing if we were all together in this,
undivided by beliefs, conditions and walls we made.
where we don't have to look desperately to pretending masters who look so perfect,
as if they have it all together,
and the uncertainty breaks us down.

If we can recognise the master in all of us
to share with each other and say
It's ok ,
we can do this
just keep going.

Holding out our hand to each other so we can help
each other get out of this pit.
without conditions
Without distance,
without 'payment',
without feeling inferior and weak.

Wouldn't that be brilliant?
Would we not feel less lost?

If we all just admitted we know nothing, that we don't have it figured out,
that we are in this together and it's alright in the end because we are willing to try.


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