
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Goddess Mother

Lovingly dedicated to my Aquarian mother, may your days be filled with sunshine. Ondine

Tarot reading: Collective - the disclosure🌟

I decided to do a tarot reading for the collective with the disclosure of truth in mind and not only did I get a “yes” but also The tower which means a big change is afoot. Big is not great enough of a word to describe is catastrophic, it will rock our world where everything we once knew will change; old beliefs, conditions, attachments and structures will “collapse” and the comfort of the lie will be gone. I followed this up and it will lead to grief , where we will need to sort through and reflect upon morality, ethics and past actions as well as process our pain and issues to find peace and resolution. All those built in emotions and darkness to be dug up and realised,transcended. The world needs to allow themselves that, it won’t be a fun phase though it will be necessary for healing, we will have to face the monsters which we fear and the truth which we try hard to deny and hide from, shattering us emotionally, perhaps ...

What is the meaning to life?

“We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.” - Carl Sagan This question we always ask, usually at the crossroads of our life when we question all that is and who we are.                        “What is the meaning of existence?” Nothing, perhaps there is no meaning,it just is. Perhaps the whole point of our existence is to just be, to experience ourselves and perceive ourselves through different lenses, through different forms of perception mirroring each other. For instance, that bird on top of that tree, is me, another form of me which I am perceiving and who is perceiving me. That tree is also me and I am that tree. What about that child, mother, teacher, store assistant, elder on that park bench or the passerby who we don't even glance... It's all the same. Perhaps this too is the root of true compassion and understanding.  So the meaning of life,...

Anima and Animus

Anima/Animus, Like the shadow, are aspects within ourselves that when denied can act out against us and our approach in life [in nightmares,relationships,reactions,etc].  All things that are denied, persist until seen, accepted and integrated/let go. Once integrated and the marriage [between Unconscious and conscious] into balance and harmony is complete, can one walk the bridge and unlock their truest potential and divine self, thus finding the peace and love they have been searching for.  The same is said with relationships we have with others and the needs we project onto loved ones, whether it be Twin flame, Soul mate, romantic relationships, friends and family. We have the gift of mirroring these denied aspects for each other but many do not realise this until it reaches a pinnacle point. We try to look for love which we believe to lack, in others. It is not found Externally in others but Internally within yourselves.

Entry 1 - Turbulence

 I thought last year was tough, but I should have been expecting such a storm coming from the decade of Aquarius before it hit me in the face with it. It caused all the old stuff which I thought I dealt with to come back, the self sabotage along with it, something which I thought I had surpassed. Self-love was new to me, at least after my tweens it Love ones self is to create the capability to love others, to help others [which was my intent] but the doubt led me to question [as I was feeling pretty apathetic lately] whether it was all for nought but perhaps compassion is different from holding emotional attachment and feeling constantly? “why let others tell us who we are? Who we are supposed to be? Why bother to act like someone who we aren’t? Just to feel good? So to feel no shame? Hoping if by trying we will eventually see light and won’t drown and fade?” I have been faced with another shadow aspect of mine , I accept that I hold negative traits [ as every...