Anima and Animus

Anima/Animus, Like the shadow, are aspects within ourselves that when denied can act out against us and our approach in life [in nightmares,relationships,reactions,etc].

 All things that are denied, persist until seen, accepted and integrated/let go. Once integrated and the marriage [between Unconscious and conscious] into balance and harmony is complete, can one walk the bridge and unlock their truest potential and divine self, thus finding the peace and love they have been searching for. 

The same is said with relationships we have with others and the needs we project onto loved ones, whether it be Twin flame, Soul mate, romantic relationships, friends and family.
We have the gift of mirroring these denied aspects for each other but many do not realise this until it reaches a pinnacle point.
We try to look for love which we believe to lack, in others.

It is not found Externally in others but Internally within yourselves.

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