Sitting in contemplation I meditate upon the many sounds within me like ripples in water they call out, responding and returning. In the soft quiet of the morning, I contemplate upon a particular aspect which kept getting my attention, it is an attachment, a habit and now that I can be present in the open space of myself, instead of instantly acting upon it, I sit still, I observe, I listen and realise it is an ECHO. For some, attachments are like vines a chokehold on ones spine, to be gradually cut away, transition into ashes gone by. But to me, they become echoes of the past, Phantoms haunting my mind getting louder each time I shout back until I realise what they are & where they come from so I be still and listen I stop responding back until no more echoes ripple in my mind at peace I now AM . Listening to the echo within, to the subtly teacher guiding my focus onto it, I came to realise reactions and attachments are a choice. Those patterns you keep repe...