I fall down like a rock slide, the barrier of myself locking me in a slippery pit and I can't get a hold. It's like one step forward and right back to where I began again unravelling and disintegrating. when will i reach the true me? the better me? In the end was it all for nought? did I really know anything? did I even make it? maybe we all don't have it figured out but it's hard to tell and in uncertainty, it breaks me down. Perhaps it would have been less of painful thing if we were all together in this, undivided by beliefs, conditions and walls we made. where we don't have to look desperately to pretending masters who look so perfect, as if they have it all together, and the uncertainty breaks us down. If we can recognise the master in all of us to share with each other and say It's ok , we can do this just keep going. Holding out our hand to each other so we can help each other get out of this pit. without conditions Without dis...
Golden rays threaded and pierced through the veils of distortion, through the field of lies and negativity and through to the very heart of Gaia, creating a vortex of shimmering evanescent light which created golden threads dipped in rainbow dew of divine essence and of the highest truth, sewing it's love and codes into the hearts of the collective. Uniting them all and uniting them with Gaia, with the divine source, with all the universe and back into themselves. In harmony, peace and unconditional love with understanding and calm. And as each thread pierced through each individual of the collective, they started to awaken, started to see and felt the great calm and inner peace. Realised the falsity of fear and let it go , came together in compassion and found new meaning in the world. The golden light spread like an ocean wave; like fire, cleansing the earth of impurities, negativity and distortion. The air was clearer and sparkled with living glow, sang songs ...
Entry - 15/07/2017 I have envisioned me in a white room and upon asking what it was I wished for , I tell a wishing star what I wanted the most. I said "I want to be free,to be with nature to be in a place surrounded by beauty without civilisation,cities,corruption, oppression. A world without any advanced race, just me, mum and nature" I saw myself in a world without corrupt hands of humanity, of the cabal and of 3D denseness or the like. A world of magic, free to roam the beautiful land full of life. To breath in the fresh air, connect to the musical leaves and grass, to lay and dream beneath starry and bright skies. Feeling at peace, I found a dead tree surrounded by beautiful flowers and forests and strange fluorescent plants. Carving and hollowing this tree I make a home; creating a mound connecting to the tree with dirt,soil,rock and dead logs. I carve an extension and plant flowers alongside another tree on top of the roof of the mound carpeted ...
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