Manifesto #1 - World of peace and harmony

Entry - 15/07/2017

I have envisioned me in a white room and upon asking what it was I wished for , I tell a wishing star what I wanted the most.

I said
"I want to be free,to be with nature to be in a place surrounded by beauty without civilisation,cities,corruption, oppression. A world without any advanced race, just me, mum and nature"

I saw myself in a world without corrupt hands of humanity, of the cabal and of 3D denseness or the like. 

A world of magic, free to roam the beautiful land full of life. To breath in the fresh air, connect to the musical leaves and grass, to lay and dream beneath starry and bright skies.

Feeling at peace, I found a dead tree surrounded by beautiful flowers and forests and strange fluorescent plants. Carving and hollowing this tree I make a home; creating a mound connecting to the tree with dirt,soil,rock and dead logs.

I carve an extension and plant flowers alongside another tree on top of the roof of the mound carpeted with soft evergreens. Beneath the roof,  I create windows of stain and panes of wood to surround it; hanging plants inside and terrace of grass on the outside sill.

The light is reflected through and the nature that is seen from within is breathtaking, the windows are half circles upturned.

I make a simple door covered in moss, connected to the front of the hollowed tree.

The roots of the second tree strengthening the shape of the mound surrounds it, but doesn't cover the windows. It grows alongside the hollow tree, wrapping around it and the branches stretch out with strong thick trunks. The leaves are like soft thick tendrils and fluorescent in the the night like lampshades, beautiful sweet smelling flowers grow from this tree, heavy with abundant fruit.

I create a stairway formed from natural plants and trunks ( not cut or killed) leading to the top where I can see above the treetops and feel like I can touch the stars, there are soft live bedding from large canopy leaves as well as flower petals that hang from the top branches. It is like a hammock but it automatically wraps around you as you lay in it like a symbiotic/sentient entity, there are many but only two are used; one for me and the other 
for mum.

Even so, inside the mound I still have a small recess deep within the ground with soft moss bedding to sleep in and a small lampshade plant beside it. The bathroom is also a small enclosed hot spring where a tiny water fall from an in ground river comes from a built in hole( stone) , there is a small clear rock and a wooden bucket to douse myself. 

I am able to self sustain through a small garden patch outside where I grow vegetables and harvest fruit from the trees. Only a small distance is a big lake, reached by walking through the enclosed grove and past the trees surrounding a tiny dirt path.

I can fish here or just sit by the river to find myself to dream and be at peace.

I wander in my free moments, diving into the mysterious wonders of the land. To peek at the life of nature, to delve into the beauty and find the knowledge of the universe.

I do not need books or gadgets or the internet, just myself, my mum and the land so breathtaking.

I see waters so clear, it shines like jewels and reflects like a mirror creating a dreamy scene. The Animals and fish are so magical and knowing, the skies so vast and land so rich with life. 

I see stars clustered above me, the world expands and I am so small, merely a speck, but that is ok it is a good feeling.  I feel like am a floating in an ocean of dreams, I am a light afloat on a sea of stars. 

They wink at me, lighting up the sky till it covers all the corners as if to fill the empty spaces, there are shooting lights flying by so fast, as if like tears they track the sky like passing time. The lights above me glow, an aurora dances like a ribbon above as if calling out "I am here, look how beautifully I transcend" The world expands and I can't help but 
shed a tear at the sight. I am free.

I hear music so light, so full of stories and wonder, it flows everywhere. I follow it and I join in with my own song, embedding my own story, creating the knowledge through the ancient voices of life.

 Like an orchestra it has several volumes; in the peaceful moments it is soft, light, like a violin or a piano, like a gentle wave, like a hug or a kiss, like a lullaby goodnight. 
In other moments it is a clash; raising voices of symphony, trumpets and strings, it makes itself known, it beats to the drums of my heart. Louder but still so positive, so powerful, it is not disturbing for it is natural and divine. 

To give up society's needless conversations for this is an easy thing, for this music is more wonderful, beyond ones imagination.

We are free here, we are at peace, we find knowledge and not hate or chaos.

We do not build civilisation but we are satisfied with what is there, we glorify in it, we need nothing more.

If only everyone knew this peace so divine, so loving.

I feel loved here, protected...

Magic flows here; through the branches, through the roots and leaves. Flowers, through the waves and grassland, flowing with the wind. Singing in the night and dancing along like fire. 

You can hear it if you but listen; closing my eyes I know it is there, surrounding me, effecting me.

My beautiful home tree and this land so free, my mother and me, as happy as can be. 

I sing along, I dance, I live and I love.

If only this place existed but for now only in my heart and only there will I be, living in that grove, within that land so far, a star shining many years from here.

Where are you?

[ Note: this is a piece of my own expression written in 2017 when I was feeling bogged down by the dense world we lived in and I felt it helped bring out and channel it all in a wish , if not discover what kind of world I really wanted to experience. My vision of the world has changed to now encompass and involve ALL in a better world, which I will post about soon]

 This is a great way to express myself as well as manifest in some aspects so I would recommend anyone to try out writing what kind of life/world they want to see or just express themselves. Who knows what you will find along the way.

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