Manifesto #3: Letter to the collective Soul

Dear child of angels

I am sorry.

I'm sorry that we fell and forgot who we are
I am sorry that we felt so scared that we hid from ourselves.
I am sorry that we lost the innocent joy and magic within us because the liers told us to.
I am sorry this world we have made has worn us down; blinding us, stolen our hope and joy, silenced us.
I am sorry we hurt ourselves and locked our aspects away.
And I am sorry for all the hurt we have done to others and to this world along the way.

I am sorry for the losses and pain,
for the flame that died in us.

I am sorry that we put our trust in deceitful hands that tell us we are less and we need them to survive.
I am sorry we gave our power away to illusions.

I am sorry no one saved us, not even ourselves, from ourselves.
I am sorry for the shadows we made, for the authentic light we locked away
to the point we became afraid of us.
I am sorry we became this way, dead and hollow.
I am sorry for the ruin, disrespect and pain we inflicted upon this world, the earth we live in, who gave us everything and loved us despite our fallen state.
I am sorry for the mistakes we made out of greed because we refused to contemplate.
I am sorry we forgot to learn from them.
I am sorry we became ashamed of them to the point of self destruction.
I am sorry we forgot to forgive ourselves and be patient with our growth.

And above all I am sorry dear ones for all that was forgotten,
who we truly are,
the unconditional love and highest truth.

I bless and hope you find peace , joy and harmony and that you find love in yourself
with and without the company of others

Please remember

you are eternal, a miracle. you are more than this dream

please remember

Forgive and move on. 
Learn and share compassion,  
lets create a new and better world together.

So let it be.

Thank you.
I thank us for all that we are.

Love always,


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